Category - Startups

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How to Choose the Best Programming Language for the Web App Development

How to Choose the Best Programming Language for the Web App Development

With the evolution of smartphones and smartphone browsers, web-based applications have become increasingly popular. And it’s no wonder, as they have a lot of benefits compared to native apps. This includes their cross-platform nature, better flexibility and scalability, improved data security, and easier maintenance. With more companies and developers rushing to create their web app, […]

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What is an End-to-End Solution, and How Will It Benefit Your Project?

What is an End-to-End Solution, and How Will It Benefit Your Project?

Across many industries, managers are looking for a software solution that will solve all their daily issues. An all-in-one tool that handles order processing, accounting, reporting, warehouse management, and more. The problem is that some features might be industry-specific or even company-specific, which makes ready-made solutions limited. A custom solution that will cover your company’s […]

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How to Build a SaaS Product [Complete Development Guide] |

How to Build a SaaS Product [Complete Development Guide] |

SaaS products have been gradually getting more and more traction in recent years and will continue to do so in the future. According to the latest report from Gartner, end-users will spend up to $304 billion in 2021, which is 18.4% more than in the previous year. The market growth that SaaS has achieved over […]

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5 Principles to Build a Prototype to Get Funding for Your Startup | OSDB

5 Principles to Build a Prototype to Get Funding for Your Startup | OSDB

Every day we’re witnessing the emergence of new startups. Thousands of them have a disruptive, innovative idea of how to solve issues. However, in the modern market, a brilliant startup idea is just not enough. To bring your idea to life, you need sufficient finances. So how do you convince a potential investor your idea […]

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Targer – the Very First Web Development Competition of a New Product

Targer – the Very First Web Development Competition of a New Product

On June, 25th of 2020 year Oleksii Shnyra (CO-Founder@OSDB) has launched the very first web development competition of his new product. Below, we’re publishing a copy of Oleksii’s article with insights he’s got of creating his own product. The very first web development competition of my new product Today was a special day for me […]

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Prototype and Design of a Software Application. How NOT to Start the Development. Resti Episode #2

Prototype and Design of a Software Application. How NOT to Start the Development. Resti Episode #2

Having missed the proper market assessment and being totally sure the app is worth being on the market and as the team consisted of developers mostly, the first steps were obviously seen as starting the development itself.  As the development team was ready and motivated to kick off and the main features of the app […]

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Startup Idea Choice or How to Evaluate the Market of Your Application. Resti Episode #1

Startup Idea Choice or How to Evaluate the Market of Your Application. Resti Episode #1

Resti Episodes In the Resti Episodes – series of articles – we’re going to get acquainted with a software development team which decided to build a startup – a software application.  There will be a bunch of articles about this startup and team, so, take a proper seat and let’s watch (read) the first episode.  […]

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