On June, 25th of 2020 year Oleksii Shnyra (CO-Founder@OSDB) has launched the very first web development competition of his new product. Below, we’re publishing a copy of Oleksii’s article with insights he’s got of creating his own product.

The very first web development competition of my new product

Today was a special day for me as I managed to organize the very first TypeScript competition of my new product – Targer – evolving dev competitions.

Targer – https://targer.app. This is how I am going to organize regular global-wide competitions based on TypeScript (React, NodeJs), Java (Spring), Go, Python etc. Please, contact me in direct messages for more details.

Key insights:
  1. Launch the working version quickly instead of endlessly dreaming and polishing the product.
  2. The very first touch with the early adopters might be really tough – be alive and react to unpredictable changes in agenda. It’s all about your awareness and confidence to deliver things even if the whole event seems to be completely failed in few minutes before its schedule and all people are waiting for you to prove their expectations.
  3. Track and learn how your users interact with the product. They will show you new use cases and priorities for next release.
  4. Though my product can be used remotely all over the world, it’s very good we organized the event offline in a single office space – early adopters need your mentoring help and guidelines on how to use the app, where to click and why.
How it went:

In short – it went surprisingly good despite the potential failures. The team members were engaged to find a better solution, prove their skills are higher, and then friendly celebration and feedback sharing.

A bit about idea behind the Targer:

Targer, instead of testing theoretical sci-fi algorithms, is focused on real production tasks and web technologies developers face with in their work. I convinced in order to improve performance and development processes in a company it’s important to find out how people behave in the same context, same objectives and specs provided. Transparent rules and restrictions should showcase strong and weak sides of each developer individually which forms a basis for further personal retrospective and learning path.

My vision is to build a global community of talented developers and raise development competitions to the level of sport. As I personally come from development world, I am very glad to implement competitions app. This is a way how we could find talents from millions and millions of developers around the world:

  • meet new friends
  • top employees
  • mentors to learn from
  • great partners for a new startup

Looking forward to organize in about one month new, better and bigger competitions! Follow me for more content on web dev competitions.

Please, contact me to participate in competition / discuss collaboration.

June 25, 2020.

By Oleksii Shnyra (Founder@Targer, CO-Founder@OSDB).

Link to the source article: https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6682000509265551360/